Friday, February 25, 2011

Customer Loyalty, Online and Offline

Most organizations that I have been involved with struggle with creating customer loyalty. While customer loyalty can be hard enough for an organization to accomplish that comes face-to-face with their customers, the problem is expanded exponentially when the customer becomes more obscure through the veil of an online shopping cart.

Despite the challenges in developing strong customer loyalty it can still be done if the organization is willing to put the necessary resources toward customer loyalty. Below are a few ideas to help your organization develop some loyal customers, and even brand ambassadors that will grow your business:

1. Talk with your customers, not at them. Communicate openly with your customers, don't just shout more sales pitches at them. Find out how your customers like you to communicate with them.

2. Make your product easy to use. I worked for an organization that had a lot of customer loyalty in two product categories because they found a way to make those products easier to find and order than anyone else in the industry. On the other end of the spectrum, if your site is hard to use and find what you need your customers won't come back.

3. Follow-up, customers want to know that you are glad they are doing business with them. The more valued a customer feels the more likely they are to come back. This comes any time you come in contact with them. Even if they sign up for a newsletter, don't wait for your next communication to be when the next newsletter comes out, send them a personalized e-mail with a special offer to say "thanks".

Customers do want to be loyal, it is nice to have someone that you can count on for certain things, it is just up to the organizations we deal with to allow that relationship to develop.

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